Give the power to the user to allow them create their perfect Bone Collector Gun Sling in the form of a Configurator. The idea is, a configurator can increase the confidence the user has in completing the purchase.
By designing mobile first we ensure the user experience is easy, understandable and scalable across all screen sizes. The configurator is separated in two sections, the visual on the left and the interactive elements on the right. This allows the user to scroll the entirety of the page and keep the sling where they can see it on all screen sizes.
The introduction of a Custom Sling Configurator to the Bone Collector ecommerce spurred the sales spike that took place over a two month period immediately after introduction. The ability for the user to accurately visualize what they are creating decreased abandoned cart rates by ten percent across the entire website. This is because the user is immensely more confident in their decision to add that product to the cart and commencing a financial transaction. This additional confidence is reflected in the dramatic increase over all sales and revenues for the year.
Conversion Rate
Abandoned Cart rate
Sling Relate Revenue
Overall Revenue